Thursday, March 05, 2009

The More important issues in life - Crisp flavourings

In between writing reports on 'air disasters' I like to turn my mind to more important issues in life.

The flavours of the 'Chipje' (or crisps as they still like to affectionally call them in the UK).

Since my arrival in Holland back in 1994 the adventurous Dutch 'Chipjes' market had explored only 2 flavours. : Plain (Naturel) & Paprika.

But in recent years they have started to follow the English trend into adventurous flavours. I first realised how adventurous they were becoming about 4 years ago when I was invited to a company for an interview which specialised in powdered cheese.

Anyway at this interview I was shown the latest developments in flavours such as Bolognese and Cheese & Onion. And I was asked on my ideas. Of which of course I babbled a whole list of the latest Walkers flavours from the 1980's which received bog-eyed responses. And this the snack industry!!!

The reason for my blog this evening is that finally in the last year or two the 'Dutch snack industry' has finally become a bit more adventurous and tonight I had my first 'Roast Beef and onion" crisps. Lekker! And also on the market there is 'Thai spices', 'Salt & Vinegar', 'Roast Chicken and Thyme', but still no 'hedgehog'.

It is nice to see the Dutch catching up in adding chemicals to their potato snacks but it makes the trips back to the UK less worthwhile.

I think it is time for our superchefs to endorse Paprika and Plain 'organic' {bintje} crisps!.

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